Združenie cestných dopravcov ČESMAD Slovakia


ČESMAD Slovakia is an association of road transport  operators of the Slovak Republic representing interests of its  members -transport operators vis-ŕ-vis ministries, central  authorities of state administration of the Slovak Republic as well as  other authorities, organisations, and associations in an effort of  developing the road transportation and making it prosperous.

ČESMAD Slovakia is a member of International Road Transport Union.



trainings, ferry reservations, visa for Russia, Turkey, White Russland, Kazachstan

ČESMAD assistance

Združenie cestných dopravcov ČESMAD Slovakia
Galvaniho 15/C
826 40 Bratislava

Phone: +421 905 011 283

Lucia Nemček

Contact Person
Lucia Nemček
Phone: +421 903 467 851